Businesses and universities require more training in entrepreneurship for young peopl

On 12, 13 and 14 march 2024 had been held in seville the Spanish Economic Forum in Andalusia. 

Más formación - Foro Económico

At the meetings, led by Eduardo Ortega, editor-in-chief of The Español-invertia, intervened with other personalities, Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, president of the Junta de andalucía; Antonio Sanz, counsellor of the presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification; and Catalina Garcia Carrasco, counsellor of health and consumers. 

During these days, businesses and universities of Andalusia have expressed the need for young people receive training on entrepreneurship. 

Sara tower, director of the unit of Employability and entrepreneurship, the european university, stressed that training in creation is key, and that therefore, in its centre will have lectures, training, workshops and early detection of the entrepreneur. "Teach young people to develop your idea and then sell", explained.  

Marina Rosales, chief, secretariat of transfer of knowledge and entrepreneurship, university of Seville also stressed the importance of such training, and your bet also because their students to undertake. But not only students, but also noted that both teachers and researchers have much to contribute, and devoted particular attention to women, since they are less present in the sector.