Comunidad de Madrid

Upcoming events

Find out more about recent events of the network COE and work related to Employment policies.


La IX Feria del Empleo en la Era Digital se celebrará en diferentes eventos digitales (Congreso de Talento Digital, BEER&TECH), Desayunos B2B del Talento Digital durante 2024, así como el evento presencial el 21 de Noviembre de 9:30 a 18:00 y 22 de Noviembre de 10:00 a 14:00 en La Nave – calle Cifuentes, 5 en Madrid.

Non-post resources

Access to services and remedies that can help training to improve your employment situation.

Test de competencias digitales Fundae
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  • People


Cuestionario de Autodiagnóstico en Competencias Personales para el Empleo

  • People


Get services and training resources that can help you improve your employment situation.

Labour market statistics

Find information and statistics of the labour force in the Community of Madrid.

Public Employment community of Madrid

Find out more about calls for public employment in the community of Madrid.

Self-employment and entrepreneurship, community of Madrid

Get contents, resources, services and information on entrepreneurship and self-employment of the community of Madrid

Job Portal of the community of Madrid

Access the Portal of use of the community of Madrid.

Latest news

Find out more about the latest news from the network COE and work related to training.



El director general de Linkedin España y Portugal, Ángel Sáenz de Cenzano, conversa con La Vanguardia en una entrevista donde se abordan el repunte de contrataciones, los sectores que lideran la creación de empleo, las habilidades más demandadas y el impacto de la inteligencia artificial entre otras cuestiones.