JOBMadrid 2023

Returns the VII edition of '23 JOBMadrid on 23 november.
International Congress of employment and career guidance for Junior Talent. Open to candidates from all backgrounds academics, nationalities, universities and academic centres of origin.
Students and graduates junior Apply to tenders, workshops and conferences.

Job Madrid 23 on 23 november 9.30am to 7 p.m.

On the past JOBMadrid '22

The public employment service State participated in the VI edition of JOBMadrid ´ 22 which was held on 23 november. The SEPE conducted three conferences focused on employment young. Youth Guarantee, the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, and the area of free training Digitalízateplus were the protagonists of the conferences.

The SEPE was one of the entities involved with the provision of three conferences focused on employment for young people. Furthermore, the SEPE in classroom congress held in the building of Truss WiZink Center of Madrid.

The conferences which gave the SEPE were as follows:

  • 'is young and you are looking for a job? Garantíajuvenil helps you', provided by Patricia Rodríguez Iglesias, coordinator of Youth Guarantee Plus
  • 'Lifelong learning. Options at your fingertips', provided by Diego Meléndez, project manager of FUNDAE Digitalízateplus
  • recovery Plan 'employment' and young, provided by Patricia Rodríguez Iglesias, coordinator of the programmes First Professional Experience and I Investigate

Focused on young people

In addition, the SEPE in person at the congress as reported on topics related to employment and training young workers of the SEPE provided information on the european mobility EURES.

There was also a point of information on Youth Guarantee Plus where young people were able to meet training and employment opportunities if neither work nor study. The Observatory of occupations given the keys on the most highly demanded professions and what training is necessary for each of them.

JOBMadrid ´ 22 held its 6th Edition, hybrid format, with more than 70 companies and national and international entities that commit themselves to talented young giving the keys to address the world of work of the present and future.

The numbers of JOBMadrid 2022

According to data of the organization of JOBMadrid 2022 in total, there were 78 entities and 217 professionals. It ofertaron 722 employment opportunities among offers, positions and vacancies for 3,610 participants in person and 2.352 online. The 93 percent of people participated in JOBMadris pque were university graduates or. Finally, we must stress that there were 30 fair 9 workshops and conferences.