
Upcoming events

Find out more about recent events of the network COE and work related to Employment policies.


El Salón de la Ocupación es un proyecto promovido por Barcelona Activa con la participación de las principales entidades del ecosistema ocupacional.

Non-post resources

Access to services and remedies that can help training to improve your employment situation.

Test de competencias digitales Fundae
  • People
  • People


Cuestionario de Autodiagnóstico en Competencias Personales para el Empleo

  • People


Get services and training resources that can help you improve your employment situation.

Test - iDEA of Xarxa Emprèn

Try this online questionnaire to reflect on your business idea.

The observatory of labour and Productive Model

Located studies and reports on the labour market in catalonia.

Takeover of Catalonia and shareholders

Discover all the calls for public employment of the government of catalonia.

Public Service of occupation of Catalonia

Portal of the public service of occupation of Catalonia.

Latest news

Find out more about the latest news from the network COE and work related to training.



El director general de Linkedin España y Portugal, Ángel Sáenz de Cenzano, conversa con La Vanguardia en una entrevista donde se abordan el repunte de contrataciones, los sectores que lideran la creación de empleo, las habilidades más demandadas y el impacto de la inteligencia artificial entre otras cuestiones.